Indigo Wellness Group

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Clear That Negative Energy

Is it us or has this been A WEEK? 🤪Don't mind us as we just sit over here with our crystals and sage, getting rid of that negative energy! ⚡️

Whether it's someone who cuts you off in traffic or a colleague at work, other people's negative energy can really impact you, and it can be hard to shake it off. Here are some things to try when you become overwhelmed with someone else's energy:

🕯Sage, diffuse essential oils or burn a good candle
🌱Get outside- walk it off, sit in the sunshine and let it recharge you, look up at the stars - nature is healing!
🧘🏽‍♀️Take a few minutes to sit quietly, regulate your breathing and reset your thoughts
🎶Music- whether it's just a calming piano or a dance party - do what feels good
🐾Cuddle up next to your dog or cat
📝Journal - get it all out
🚿Wash it off- take a relaxing shower or bath
🤗Hug a loved one

Remember- it's not you, it's them! At the end of the day, let it all go and focus on the energy YOU want to be ✨💙