Indigo Wellness Group

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Ear Seeds

What’s the deal with these little crystal beauties? Well to be honest, the bling is just for fun. It’s the little gold balls underneath the seeds that do the hard work. By stimulating tiny ear acupuncture points that help relax and regulate the nervous system, these seeds can help with everything from pain to anxiety to insomnia. Nope they don’t pierce the skin, nope they don’t hurt (but sometimes can feel a little sensitive). Ear seeds are a great way to have some acupressure work done if you don’t have time for a full appointment, are travelling or on the go, are new to (and still maybe a little wary) of acupuncture needles, or just want to add a little fun sparkle to your day!

Even better - ear seeds don’t just help you...every month at Indigo 100% of the money we raise with ear seeds goes to a local charity. That’s right, 100%! We call this #earseedsforacause and we love that we can give back by making you feel great. Want to try? Pop in during office hours to have them applied! 

Have you tried ear seeds yet? What have they helped with?