Indigo Wellness Group

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Eating Amnesia

Do you ever have eating amnesia? Like you know you ate but you kind of blacked out during it? Somehow you’re just left with an empty plate or candy/nutrition bar wrappers?

This is super common & most often happens when we wait to eat til we’re too hungry, we’re multitasking (scrolling while lunching, anyone?) or are stuffing down an emotion (literally & figuratively).

A little mindfulness exercise i find helps - monotasking! When you eat, only eat. No screens or distractions. Being present & fully in your body is your secret weapon.

One other tip, if you’re baking, don’t go in starving! You’re way more likely to overeat dough & sweets if you do. There’s no such thing as willpower when you’re ravenous. Have a normal meal or snack before whipping up the goods & you’ll feel so much more in control & conscious of your decisions. 🍪

If you let yourself get too hungry, 9x out of 10 (or 10x out of 10) you will grab the sugary, simple carb, quick option.🥖🥯🧁🍭🍫🍬🍞🥯🥖

This is not out of lack of willpower! I don’t actually believe in willpower around food. When we’re too hungry, our blood sugar dips, and we have a biological need for fast energy (found in sugar, bread, candy). It’s actually a pretty brilliant survival mechanism!

This happened to me recently - I had back to back virtual morning meetings, skipped breakfast, and when I came home the first thing I saw was @unreal.snacks m&ms. Guess how quickly those were inhaled — before I could even think about the yogurt in the fridge or all the smoothie ingredients🤷🏼‍♀️

If you find you’re always reaching for the sugary things or diving headfirst into the bread bowl, food journal for a day and make sure you’re eating every 3-4 hours and eating real satisfying meals, not just grazing all day.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk😘