Indigo Wellness Group

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How To Prepare For The Covid-19 Vaccine

The past year has been hard. We haven’t seen our loved ones, holidays have been different, we haven’t been able to travel, school has been interesting, we wear masks, face shields, and stay six feet apart from one another, we could go on and on. But thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The COVID vaccine is slowly rolling out, and we couldn’t be happier! If you are thinking about, or have already scheduled, your COVID vaccine HOORAY for you, and thank you for doing your part in helping us kick this virus to the curb. Did you know there are things you can do to prepare your body for the vaccine?

The below is a list of the things we are doing to support our bodies' immune response. The vaccine currently has excellent safety data, and you will likely be fine if you show up for your vaccine as if it were any other day. But we're all about optimization, and we think some of these tips well help you prepare your body for the vaccine and help reduce any potential side effect. Both Nancy and Sarah received their vaccines recently and followed the below protocol to prepare their body and feel their best.

Week Before

  • focus on reducing inflammatory foods like alcohol, sugar and dairy

  • get quality sleep

  • reduce stress with meditation and mindfulness

  • support immune system with supplements

    • Vitamin D 2,000IU

    • NAC 1,000 mg/ day

    • Airborne 1 tab/day

    • Adaptogens

Day of

  • hydrate!

  • have motrin or zyflamend on the ready

  • use arnica, CBD lavender/frankincense on sore arm

  • If arm feels hot, use ice on affected area. Follow with heat if that feels good.

Week After

  • continue to support immune system with healthful eating, hydration, and supplements

  • if reduced ROM, use heat on arm

  • prepare to feel unwell, especially after second dose, and limit activity

For a downloadable PDF of how to prepare, click here.

Interested in the supplements we mention? You can find them in our Fullscript account under the heading FAVORITES. Curious about a custom supplement plan to support your immunity? Reach out, we'd be happy to help! And again, thank you for doing your part. We can’t wait to hug you all!!