Indigo Wellness Group

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Nutrition Mythbusting: Part 1

There is so much misinformation out there about nutrition and we always get asked “What do I believe?” So today, we are playing a little ”Nutrition Mythbusting” with Carolyn!

  1. Egg whites are the healthier choice🙅🏼‍♀️! Yolks are where every single thing that’s good about an egg is, from ½ the protein to all the nutrients. Buy pasture raised when you can. And for the record - dietary cholesterol does not = blood cholesterol. But please check with your dr if this is you. Quality is key with eggs.

  2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Ok at breakfast it’s important that you eat something, and ideally something with protein. But IMHO lunch is queen when it comes to most important! 👑 Lunch should be your power meal and your biggest protein of the day. Dinner should be smaller than lunch. That’s like 10 myths busted for the price of one 🤗

  3. Have coffee for a mid afternoon pick me up. 👎🏻 I love coffee but if you’re wiped mid afternoon try a peppermint tea, a blood sugar balancing snack like avo and veggies or nuts and fruit, or an all greens juice for an energy boost. Or maybe you just need a siesta 😴. Try not to caffeinate after 2pm for your sleep cycle.

  4. “Everything in moderation” 🚫🚫🚫 My biggest pet peeve saying by nutritionists. Some things (artificial sweeteners, colors, preservatives) are just straight up toxic for you, cause inflammation, increase cravings, and are not real food. Luckily you can find upgraded versions of basically everything ☺️😘

  5. Natural flavors are natural. 🥺 This is what makes the food industry so confusing! If a product actually uses a food or herb/spice for a flavor it will list what the flavor is on the label - spindrift is a great example of this (it has blackberry or lemon, not ‘natural flavors’ or ‘flavor essences’). Always look at ingredients first, before any numbers!

Are any of these surprising to you? Did you learn something new? We are here to help you, so feel free to let us know what myths should we bust next time!