Indigo Wellness Group

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QI Stagnation and Cabin Fever

Ever feel a little extra snappy and irritable sometimes during winter months or when stuck inside? 🙋‍♀️ Some might call it “stir-crazy” or ‘“cabin fever.”  In Traditional Chinese Medicine we call it Qi Stagnation (that’s pronounced “chee”).

Qi that normally circulates through the body to keep emotions smooth can easily get jammed up, causing friction that leads to snappiness, funky moods, and anxiety. The major causes of Qi stagnation: lack of movement, poor digestion/nutrient intake, and keeping the stress signals turned on.

But don’t worry, there are lots of ways to fix it: movement is key, so try to get up and take a walk or do some gentle yoga every day. Put the carbs, cookies, and snacks away and reach for the fruits and veg instead (frozen veggies have nutrients, too!), reach for ear seeds and herbal medicines if you need extra support, and practice gratitude to counter ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) in your brain. 🐜

Sometimes we can’t change the situation we are in, but there’s so much we can change, so let’s focus most of our attention there. Be kind to others, and to yourself.❤️❤️