Indigo Wellness Group

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TCM And Chinese Medicine

Did you know that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we consider your menstrual blood a vital sign?❣️

Most women (us included!) spend many years trying to IGNORE our periods and wishing they didn’t come regularly, but the truth is, regular menstruation is an important part of overall wellness, and the quantity, quality, color, and cycle lengths can tell us so much about what else is happening in your body.

While a light, day and half flow might seem very convenient, it can actually be a sign of Blood Deficiency in Chinese Medicine. And a heavy, clotty and painful flow usually signifies some blood stagnation. These are all thing we can work to correct with acupuncture and herbs!

A healthy period should be blood red in color, shouldn’t be painful or clotty, and bleeding should start “strong” ie: not trickling for a day or two before it gets flowing. So while it might seem like TMI, don’t be afraid to share all the details with your acupuncturist, it will help clue them in to patterns of disharmony in your body!