are your issues in your tissues?

We love a massage for physical aches and pains, we all know how good it feels to work on muscles and knots. But in this time of stress and carrying a lot on your shoulders, massage and bodywork can help with emotional pain as well. Here are a few reasons why you should put a massage on your to do list:

  • Emotional and stress support: Massage stimulates production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. All of these feel food neurotransmitters are known to elevate mood and promote relaxation.

  • Tension headache and migraine relief: Lymphatic Massage has been found to reduce migraine pain. The gentle, rhythmic movements stimulate lymphatic drainage.

  • Reduce anxiety and improve sleep: no surprise that massages increase relaxation, but they also support the mind-body connection and lower cortisol, which can lead to better nights of sleep ahead.

If it resonates that your issues are in your tissues, our massage therapists are here to support you. We have energy healing, therapeutic massage, and lymphatic massage at our Stamford and Westport offices. 


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