indigo up levels: supplemental services

Enhance your wellness experience at our office with our range of uplevel offerings. Dive into relaxation and rejuvenation with options like our soothing sauna, therapeutic LED light treatments, and the restorative PEMF biomat. These add-ons are designed to complement our core services, offering you a holistic approach to health and well-being. Embrace these additional touches of care to elevate your journey towards complete wellness.

GET GLOWING             
PEMF Mat, Infrared Sauna and Celluma LED services
“infrared wavelengths penetrate the body to create heat, which creates profound therapeutic benefits. They increase blood flow to the muscles, delivering more concentrated oxygen, which creates more energy to heal.”
— Dr. Jeffrey Spencer

Glow from the inside out with our Indigo uplevel offerings, carefully curated to take your wellbeing to the next level.

Celluma LED Red light therapy Stamford and Westport

celluma light therapy

Illuminate your wellness journey with Celluma LED Light Therapy. Clinically proven for skin care and pain relief, this non-invasive treatment addresses acne, wrinkles, and muscular discomfort. Enjoy the benefits of Celluma for a 25-minute session on its own or incorporated into your massage or acupuncture session.

  • Increases circulation, accelerates tissue repair, kills acne bacteria, decreases inflammation, improves acne prone skin, skin tone, texture and clarity, decreases under eye wrinkles, and eases muscle and joint pain.

  • $50 for 25 minutes, or $40 as an add-on to an Indigo service.

    Use Celluma and PEMF mat together for $85/25 minute session

infrared sauna stamford CT

sunlighten infared sauna

Stamford office only.

Rejuvenate in our Infrared Sauna, offering a unique, gentle heat experience. Enjoy deep detoxification, improved heart health, stress reduction, and relief from muscle soreness.

  • Detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, boosting immune system, and lowering of blood pressure.

  • $50 for 25 minutes, or $40 as an add-on to an Indigo service.

higherdose PEMF biomat session

Immerse yourself in the healing power of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy with our Higher Dose PEMF Infrared Mat.

PEMF technology mimics the healing vibrations of the Earth, enhancing the body’s natural recovery process, reducing inflammation, increasing energy, relieving stress, and promoting deeper sleep.

Infrared’s deeply penetrating heat promotes full-body detox, improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and inside-out healing.

Finally, a healing amethyst & tourmaline layer of this mat deepen the benefits of infrared and naturally generates negative ions, which fight free radicals.

  • Cellular regeneration, improve circulation, reduced inflammation, and next-level relaxation.

  • $50 for 25 minutes, or $40 as an add-on to an Indigo service.

    Use Celluma and PEMF mat together for $85/25 minute session

Natural Solutions to Women's Health and Fertility

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