our 10 takeaways from an integrative wellness conference
Our Indigo practitioners love continuing education and bringing the best and most cutting edge information to our patients.. A few weeks ago, co-founders Sarah Swanberg + Carolyn Brown and our Functional Medicine Physician, Dr. Bobbie Sinha, spent a few days at the Integrative Health Symposium in NYC.
Here are our top 10 takeaways from the conference:
Melatonin & Darkness Matter – We talk a lot about Vitamin D and sunshine, but we also need to talk about melatonin and darkness. Our bodies can’t produce proper melatonin without darkness. For hormone and metabolic health, we need true darkness at night—turn off blue lights, use blackout curtains, and minimize artificial light exposure.
Air Quality Impacts Brain & Body Health – Climate change and air pollution are huge factors affecting both physical wellness and brain function. Consider investing in an air filter like the Air Doctor for better indoor air quality.
More Isn’t Always Better – Too many wellness “hacks” like NAD+, Methylene Blue, or excessive antioxidants may provide short-term benefits but can throw off the body’s balance when overused. And what works for one person won’t necessarily work the same for another.
Mental Health & Nutrient Deficiencies – Many people struggling with depression and anxiety have vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficiencies, and sometimes even undiagnosed celiac disease. Low B12 levels are linked to panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. If you’re considering going on or off psych meds, get your labs checked first.
Mushrooms for Cancer Prevention & Support – The best food-as-medicine for cancer prevention and treatment? Mushrooms! Shiitake, Oyster, and Maitake mushrooms are especially beneficial—but they must be cooked or steeped like tea to unlock their full medicinal properties.
The Business of Wellness Needs a Reality Check – Can we stop with the super alpha-male approach to business building? “Follow this plan to make 7 figures a year while working 12 hours a week.” These are the real snake oil salesmen. We need to treat our businesses holistically, just like we treat patients. Selling $15K programs isn’t the answer.
Spike Proteins & Health Concerns – Spike protein from COVID-19 (and in some cases, vaccines) could be causing a range of long-term issues, from brain fog and fertility concerns to aging acceleration. We need to pay attention to emerging data and remember that “trusting the science” means observing, questioning, and adapting.
Gut Health & Chronic Skin/Hair Issues – Ongoing eczema, psoriasis, or alopecia? These conditions often trace back to gut health and environmental toxins like mold. Integrative dermatologists recommend going dairy-free for chronic eczema and doing advanced functional testing for deeper insights.
Ditch Toxic Kitchen Cleaners – If you haven’t yet, upgrade your dish soap and dishwasher detergent. Many commercial brands contain chemicals that contribute to leaky gut. Want better options? We recommend Dirty Labs + Blueland brands.
Internal Toxins Matter Too – We talk a lot about external toxins (plastics, pesticides, etc.), but endotoxins—internal toxins from stress, isolation, anger, jealousy, and loneliness—can be just as harmful. Time to get in to Indigo for some energy healing and therapy!
For support in putting all of this into action, meet our team of providers. And thank you to all the speakers at the Integrative Health Symposium for a great few days!