The Top 5 Prenatal Yoga Poses
Practicing yoga during pregnancy gives you a quiet, relaxing, and restorative space to turn your attention
inward and connect with your baby.
Prenatal yoga benefits:
Increased flexibility and circulation
Strengthen muscles needed for childbirth and postpartum recovery
Improved pelvic floor and core awareness
Deeper sleep
Better energy throughout your day
Learn new ways to feel comfortable in your changing body
Stress reduction
Here are the top five yoga poses that every expectant mama should try, according to Indigo Wellness
Group’s Prenatal Yoga Instruction, Aly Crouse.
This is the most simple yet effective yoga-inspired movement you can do every day during pregnancy,
especially in the third trimester.
Benefits: It mobilizes the spine and can relieve back pain. Helps the baby get in a head-down position.
Tip: if you have pregnancy-related carpal tunnel, try this pose on your knuckles in a closed fist, or on your
Puppy Pose
Uttana Shishosana
A modified version of this classic yoga warm-up with wide knees allows room for baby.
Benefits: Stretches the upper back and shoulders and takes pressure off the pelvic floor.
Tip: Place a pillow or bolster under the chest to relax the shoulders and allow for an even deeper
Downward Down
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Benefits: Strengthens the upper body. Stretches the back and legs. Regulates your energy. Can help
guide baby into head-down position.
Supported Squat
Benefits: Deeply stretches the hips and low back. Builds awareness of your pelvic floor. Prepares the
body for labor positioning.
Tip: Place yoga blocks or stacked cushions underneath the tailbone to help support the knees and other
Supported Reclined Goddess Pose
Supta Baddha Konasana
This supportive gentle backbend gives a restorative moment in your yoga sequence. Most expectant
moms stay in this position for 5-10 minutes and don’t want to leave!
Benefits: Opens the chest and front of the arms. Resets the nervous system for deep relaxation.
We set the bolster up on a slant with blocks and blankets so that mama can feel the opening of the chest,
throat, and lower body without too much pressure from the weight of the baby.
Book a personalized Prenatal Yoga classes in our Westport, Connecticut location. These sessions offer
individualized guidance through each trimester with gentle stretching, mindful strength-building exercises,
and breathwork. Aly’s special attention to alignment will help improve your practice whether you are an
experienced practitioner or an enthusiastic newbie.