Miracle Mornings

Are you ready for a Miracle Morning? Morning routines set your entire day up for happiness, productivity, and calmness. You don’t need an hour - or even 20 minutes! @Carolynbrownie’s morning routine is just 6 minutes and is based on Hal Elrod’s book Miracle Mornings.

Hal took the 'best of the best' morning routines from cultures all around the world, and squished them together into an acronym called SAVERS.

All you have to do is commit to 1+ minute of each part of the SAVERS... that's just 6 minutes total! Set an alarm and start with 1 minute of the following.

1 SILENCE: Sit in silent meditation & breathe!
2 AFFIRMATIONS: Write down affirmations aka 'I am' statements, like: I am happy, I am healthy, I am worthy, I am powerful... anything you want to be that day
3 VISUALIZATIONS: A minute of visualization based on those affirmations (visualizing yourself at your happiest, most powerful, etc)
4 EXERCISE: this can be jumping jacks, running a lap, yoga poses, or whatever feels great to you
5 READING: Once your heart rate is pumping, grab a book and read a page or two. This always feels very extreme!
6 SCRIBING: Last, we have scribing aka writing. Journal for 1 minute about anything on your mind, or how whacky this miracle morning routine is :)

There you have it - your SAVERS. You can make each part as long as you like. On weekends, we do 5 minutes of each, but all you really need is just 6 minutes.

I guarantee you'll have an energy and mood boost. Millions of people do this morning routine, so welcome to the club & invite your fam & partners along!


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