Hunger Is A Good Thing

Here are some Monday morning thoughts from Indigo’s Nutritionist Carolyn Brown.

If you just peed, but then you had to pee again, you’d honor that right? So if you eat, but then you still feel hungry after, why do we feel like something is wrong with us?

Hunger is a good thing so please stop trying to suppress or ignore this very important biological sign!! I’ve seen (and personally tried) ALL the things to suppress appetite. Gum, water, coffee, smoking... woof. Whenever we use these things they backfire and we end up overeating later.

Hunger is our body telling us a need.

If you find yourself hungry an hour after a meal, typically that means your meal wasn’t enough, it was probably lacking fat or protein or veggie volume- it’s NOT a sign that there’s something wrong with you! Times of stress, lack of sleep, exercise, overdoing sugar or alcohol, and hormone fluctuations can all Impact our hunger too. So if you feel insatiable - look at what else is going on - and have a gd satisfying snack, not just water.. and please not Diet soda!!


Miracle Mornings


Feeling Burnout? Nourish Your Yin