
Do you believe in them? With the popularity of Laura Lynne Jackson’s book Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe, a lot more people are talking about the signs they’ve received from family members that have passed on, signs that things are going to work out, etc... In my family, signs have always come in the shape of birds, specifically cardinals, making an appearance on important days or in times of sadness.

In 2019 at a conference in Big Sur, we were encouraged to do a spirit guide meditation, where you asked a question of your guide and waited for a response. A little woo-woo, yes, but also kind of fun. I have a healthy dose of skeptic in me, and I struggled with this at first, but lying in the grass on a gorgeous day with the sun on my face and the waves crashing below me, I felt so grounded and so I asked my spirit guide if I was meant to live closer to the water.🌊 ☀️ The answer was a clear yes, but TBH at the time it seemed more like wishful thinking. 

Right before school started that year, we got the very surprising phone call that our daughter got a spot at a magnet school in Stamford located down near the water. We were thrilled, but also very shocked - I put her in the lottery last year on a whim and never expected this to happen, and definitely wasn’t prepared for all of the change (mostly happy, a little bit scary) this would bring for our family.

We saw the school change as a sign to make moves and very quickly (maybe hastily) decided to list our house and start looking for something closer to school and to the train, preferably near the water. By the second week of school, the wheels were in motion. After I had a chance to catch my breath, I started having doubts about what we were doing. I didn’t want to end up somewhere that didn’t feel like the right fit for us. I was discussing with my friend Julia who suggested I ask for a sign that it would all work out. She encouraged me to be very specific. So, I asked for a bird sign, specifically from a bluejay or cardinal, so that I wouldn’t overlook it. 

Early the next week, after falling in love with a house that for several reasons seemed way out of our reach, I was standing outside chatting with my realtor and saw a gorgeous bluejay feather at my feet. I got butterflies in my stomach and thought that somehow that house might actually work out. But two days later when I was kicking myself for believing that a feather equaled dream house, I asked for another, similar sign. The very  next day, standing in my friend Julia’s yard, another bluejay feather appeared! Several other bird signs and a few home buying/selling roller coaster rides later, we finally executed both contracts week and prepared for our move to Shippan, a block from the water. This morning, leaving my house, a bluejay flew directly in front of me, almost hitting me in the head😂. Payback for mistrusting all the other signs, I think!

This whole thing has helped solidify my trust in the universe, but you just need to be willing to go along for the ride. So tell me about your signs, I’m dying to hear about them!! And if you’re in need of a sign, don’t hesitate to ask, but be specific!


Winter Solstice


Struggling to get pregnant?