The Air Quality is Awful, What Can I Do For My Body?

The smoke coming from the wildfires is dangerous, especially if you’re outdoors or exposed for a long time. In the short term, it can cause headaches, congestion, fatigue, itchy eyes and nose, rapid heartbeat. Being outside all day is considered the equivalent of smoking a half pack of cigarettes. There are several things you can do to support your body and your lung health this week.

Here are some of our recommendations at Indigo:

  • Stay inside, ideally somewhere with HEPA air filters or with AC with filtered air

  • Wear an N95 mask if you’re going to be outside for an extended period of time

  • Increase water intake to 3L+/day

  • Eat anti-inflammatory foods: garlic, turmeric, herbs, ginger, dark leafy greens, salmon, nuts, etc

  • Eat antioxidant rich foods: berries (especially wild blueberries), green tea, goji berries, dark chocolate, pecans and artichokes.

Smoke causes inflammation via oxidative damage. Consider these antioxidant & immune-boosting supplements:

  • Vitamin C: 3000-6000 mg/day (to bowel tolerance)

  • Vitamin D: 5000-10k IU/day

  • Liposomal glutathione and/or it’s precursor NAC: 900 mg, 1-2x a day

  • Cordysceps, Reishi, Turkeytail mushrooms

Share this with anyone affected by the wildfire smoke or poor air quality. Stay safe & safe healthy!


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