What Does Collaborative Care Practice Mean?

Our providers discuss your care and work together to make sure you feel as supported as possible to meet your health and wellness goals.

Here’s an example of how we work:

Susie comes in for acupuncture to treat her chronic headaches. Her acupuncturist comes up with a Chinese Medicine game plan, but also suggests a meeting with our Integrative Nutritionist to do some GI testing and come up with a plan to eliminate potential food triggers. She also suggests an indiglow facial that focuses on relaxing jaw tension. With Susie's okay, her acupuncturist then sets up a time to discuss her thoughts with the nutritionist and esthetician ahead of their visits with Susie.

Within 2 months, Susie is feeling so much better. Her frequency and severity of headaches has reduced dramatically and her team is now starting to focus on ways to help Susie manage the stress and anxiety in her life.

Susie is thrilled with her care and mentions that she has never felt so supported.

We have office locations in Stamford and Westport, CT, and many of our providers offer telehealth options.


Does Acupuncture Hurt?


Uplifting Essential Oils