Acupuncture Points And A Little Acupressure

Let’s talk acupuncture points! Today, we are covering Large Intestine 4, usually known as the headache point, but it does so much more that that! 🤕

When combined with another powerhouse point on the foot, Liver 3, these points are called the “Four Gates” and get Qi and blood moving anywhere in the body. We call them the traffic cop points - they can treat pain, anxiety, insomnia, digestive discomfort, constipation, and more.

The only time we DON’T use this point is during pregnancy, because it can stimulate uterine contractions. (making it helpful for a stubborn baby! 👶🏻)

You can try this on yourself! To stimulate this point with acupressure, apply moderate pressure to the mound between your thumb and forefinger for 1-2 minutes on each side. So if you're feeling a little headachey these days, go ahead and give it a try!


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