What The Cup? Cupping 101

In today’s #intheknowwithindigo we’re talking cupping! If you’ve had cupping, you probably already know how amazing it feels, and if you haven’t tried, you might be a little intimidated by the round marks left by cupping. So let’s dive into what cupping is and some FAQ’s.

Cupping-one of the Chinese Medicine treatment modalities- is the application of suction with either a glass or plastic cup to an area of the body to clear stagnation and promote qi and blood circulation.

Cupping can treat:

  • Physical pain, especially in the neck, back and shoulders

  • Lung tightness

  • Muscle recovery in athletes

  • Post-surgical adhesions

  • TMJ pain (facial cupping)

Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about cupping!

Does it hurt?

Most people come to LOVE the feeling of cupping and can feel the muscle tension melting away. It can feel "tight" at first, but it is not painful.

Why are the marks that color?

Cupping marks can range from pale/no marks to red to dark purple, all depending on the level and type of stagnation in the body that is being cleared. Marks tend to fade in under a week. ❤️💜❤️💜❤️

Who can perform cupping?Depending on state licensure and scope of practice, in many states athletic trainers, physical therapists and massage therapists can also perform cupping. At Indigo, we find cupping works best in combination with an acupuncture session.

Have you tried cupping?


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