Feeling Burnout? Nourish Your Yin

We see a lot of people feeling burned out/ fried lately, and this correlates with inflammation in western medicine, and yin deficiency in eastern medicine. We get questions all of the time wondering how to replenish yin- so today’s #intheknowwithindigo focuses on yin building activities and foods! These things will all help balance your Yang and bring down the 🔥. Winter is our most Yin time of year, so it’s a great time to really focus on rest and recuperation, especially after such a stressful year. 💙

Feeling burnt or fried?

There's a reason we use "heat" terms when we're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

In Chinese Medicine, the fatigue, irritability, sensations of heat or night sweats, anxiety and insomnia are signs that your yin is depleted.

Our yin is the noursishing "coolant" that balances our active yang, and when it runs out, it creates a type of false heat that leaves us feeling depleted.

Here's how to restore your yin.

Nourish your yin - yin activities
Nourish your yin - yin foods

Hunger Is A Good Thing


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