Freezing Your Eggs

Cracking the shell on egg freezing today!

Okay ladies, we know you might be being bombarded with ads telling you THE CLOCK IS TICKING and that if you ever want babies, you need to freeze your eggs NOW. Here's the full scoop so you can make an informed decision.

It's a hard fact that our fertility declines with age - sadly our ovaries haven’t caught up with the trend towards later baby-making years. We are 1000% behind anything women's rights, women's career advancement and women's sexual liberation, and the fact that there is technology that allows us to get pregnant with the same baby we might have had 10 years earlier is MIND BOGGLING. Hooray for technology. BUT that doesn’t mean we should all be jumping on the wagon without getting the full story.

Egg Freezing is NOT a guarantee. This is a big one. Going through an egg retrieval process does NOT guarantee that you will end up with viable eggs. And don’t forget, these eggs have to be frozen, thawed, fertilized and implanted BEFORE you get a BFP (big fat positive) and then there are always risks of miscarriage. We’re not trying to scare you, we just want to point out that this might not be the baby “insurance policy” you were promised.

This can be a tough process physically, emotionally, and financially, so if you’re considering it we recommend doing research and making sure you have great personal and professional support through the process. Work with a reputable fertile clinic, and ask lots of questions!

Bottom line: if this gives women a feeling of control over their lives, not to settle for the wrong relationship or stressed about a timeline, we’re of course fans! But we also don’t want you to be disappointed because you weren't fully informed.Knowledge is power!


The Four Agreements


Nutrition And Fertility