Nutrition And Fertility

Nutrition is a totally underrated part of fertility. From your hormones to your cycle to your libido, what you eat can play a huge role! Your hormones are made of fats (specifically from cholesterol) - but they also require protein and carbs too! And lots of nutrients found in fruits and veggies well.

Here are 4 interesting facts for you:

1. Skim dairy products have been associated with reduced fertility. So if you eat dairy, make it whole fat (and organic/grass fed!)

2. Going too low carb can hurt your hormones and your mood. Progesterone, aka the pregnancy hormone, can dip from reduced carb intake and it can throw off your other sex hormones. So keto or super low carb diets aren’t recommended ladies, even if we’re talking future fertility.

3. Start a prenatal ahead of time! At Indigo, we’re food first, always. But supplements do come second - you’ll find out why in our courses! We suggest starting a prenatal 3-6 months before you’re “trying”.

4. And a fun final one for the guys… watermelon contains a compound called citruline, specifically found in the whiter part closer to the rind, that helps with blood flow - cough cough, erectile dysfunction.

Lots more facts like this coming in our new Hello, Hormones programs from our dietitian @carolynbrownie that we can’t wait to share with you! Stay tuned!!


Freezing Your Eggs


In The Know: Periods