indigo journal——-
Discover wellness wisdom and holistic healing insights in the Indigo Journal, your source for a healthier, more harmonious life.
Miscarriages Are Not Uncommon
Miscarriage is such a tough topic for so many women, but the reality is that it is not uncommon, and it’s something we have years of experience helping patients navigate.
Nutrition And Fertility
Eating for fertility and for your hormones is a little different from eating for a healthy lifestyle or for weight loss. This time is all about nourishing and adding - and not at all about skimping or restricting!
IVF And Acupuncture
Acupuncture is well-known for having a positive effect on IVF outcomes, to the point where some fertility clinics even offer acupuncture in-house!
Nutrition And Fertility
Nutrition is a totally underrated part of fertility. From your hormones to your cycle to your libido, what you eat can play a huge role!
Hormones And Cleaning Products
Many of the chemicals found in conventional products are considered endocrine disruptors. Simply put, they mimic estrogen and can confuse your body, making your hormones go haywire.
Acupuncture And Fertility
Everyone knows acupuncture can help with fertility… but not everyone knows how.