Nutrition And Fertility

Eating for fertility and for your hormones is a little different from eating for a healthy lifestyle or for weight loss. This time is all about nourishing and adding - and not at all about skimping or restricting!

Here are 3 fertility food tips from our RD/nutritionist @carolynbrownie:

1. Add fat! Our hormones require good fat like olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado. Have > 1 tbsp at every meal. And on that note, skip skim dairy products which may have a negative impact on fertility & hormones. If you dairy, go full fat.

2. Include carbs. Cutting carbs too strictly can also negatively impact hormones and fertility. Have at least one serving of carbs or grains per day, like quinoa, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, beans, lentils, rice, etc.

3. Intermittent fasting is iffy. Some research on time-restricted eating is not great for women’s hormones, particularly during their child bearing years. So even if it’s the latest fad diet, we don’t suggest getting too strict with IF. There do seem to be benefits with keeping your eating to 12 hours from first to last bite (so, 8am to 8pm), but stricter than that? Not if babies are in the near’ish future. *there are certain hormonal imbalances where IF may be beneficial, like PCOS. Speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new diet plan.

More questions about fertility? Check out our Hello, Hormones courses!


The Uterus

