indigo journal——-
Discover wellness wisdom and holistic healing insights in the Indigo Journal, your source for a healthier, more harmonious life.
Nutrition And Fertility
Eating for fertility and for your hormones is a little different from eating for a healthy lifestyle or for weight loss. This time is all about nourishing and adding - and not at all about skimping or restricting!
Sun Protectant Foods
Did you know that certain foods can help protect your skin from sun damage and UV rays? This doesn’t mean to skip sunscreen (please still use SPF 30+!), but it does mean to focus on these amazing foods this summer for added skin health!
Digestion and Chinese Medicine
It’s hot outside which means salad and smoothie season is upon us! While we love the extra intake of veggies, we’ve been noticing a lot of digestive issues around the clinic lately.
The Truth About Weight
Your weight is affected by so many things beyond food and exercise…and it has *ZERO* to do with willpower!
Nutrition And Fertility
Nutrition is a totally underrated part of fertility. From your hormones to your cycle to your libido, what you eat can play a huge role!
Liver Love
Your liver is really the ultimate multitasker, it metabolizes and removes toxins from your body.