Sun Protectant Foods

Today @carolynbrownie is telling you to eat your sunscreen!!

Did you know that certain foods can help protect your skin from sun damage and UV rays? This doesn’t mean to skip sunscreen (please still use SPF 30+!), but it does mean to focus on these amazing foods this summer for added skin health! The best ‘edible sunscreen' foods are loaded with antioxidants, which protect against free radical damage to cells from the sun’s UV rays (aka: wrinkles & skin aging). These antioxidant anti-inflammatory benefits also protect against sunburn! Swipe for our favorite sun-friendly foods.


Tomatoes contain an anti-sunburn, antioxidant compound called lycopene. In one study, sunburn formation was significantly lower among those who consumed a small amount of tomato paste daily for 10 weeks. There’s a reason why tomatoes are in season right now! Bonus points: add olive oil to tomatoes for increased lycopene absorption. Watermelon is also lycopene-loaded.

Oranges, kiwi & grapefruit

Citrusy fruits like oranges, grapefruit and kiwi are loaded with vitamin C, which protects against free radical damage from the sun that can cause skin aging. In one study, high intakes of vitamin C were associated with fewer wrinkles and less skin dryness

Salmon, Sardines, & other fatty fish

These fish are full of anti-inflammatory omega 3s, which research shows may help make sunburns less severe and help prevent the development of skin cancer. Aim for 4+ servings per week, or add in a high quality omega 3 supplement (we love Nordic Naturals). Some great plant based sources of omega 3’s include flaxseeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds.

Sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach

These veggies are are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that helps decrease redness in skin when it is exposed to UV light.

The take away

Eat as many of these healthy skin foods as you can every day this summer! Can you get one in at every meal?
Some other healthy skin foods to include:

  • Berries, grapes & pomegranate

  • Organic coffee

  • Organic green tea


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