Weekend Eating

Indigo Nutritionist @carolynbrownie wanted to talk *WEEKEND EATING*

Ok here’s a really common issue I see with clients. You have a ‘healthy’ week of food and then the weekend comes and it starts off with a Saturday workout, then maybe an iced coffee, then a few hours go by and you’re starving so you meet friends for a giant brunch, then you’re stuffed, then it’s many more hours til a huge dinner, and maybe a few too many drinks.

Sound familiar? 🧐

This is mini yoyo dieting, aka Jekyll & Hyde eating, and the main problem is you’re really not eating enough when you have only 2 meals a day. It’s not beneficial for your metabolism, your mood, your appetite or your weight.

Your new weekend plan: eat something with protein (eggs, smoothie, Greek yogurt etc) within 1 hour after a workout, then eat every 3-4 hours from there. You’ll make much more mindful ordering/cooking decisions if you’re not showing up starving.

My long term goal is to get clients in sync with their own hunger & fullness cues, but external timing rules can be so so helpful to start. ⏰

And don’t forgot to drink some water & eat veggies on the weekends too! 🌿 💦

Have you noticed your eating is different on the weekend?


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