Ear Seeds

May is National Mental Health Awareness month, and it’s no surprise that mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression have been at an all-time high this past year. Not to mention, you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t just been super stressed out by what’s been going on in the world. That’s why here at Indigo we’ve been using ear seeds on our patients (and ourselves!) significantly more than we have in the past.

Check out our In the Know with Indigo written by @MarcyJulius to learn more about these magical little beads! And stop in to Indigo for your own ear seeds. This month our #earseedsforacause will benefit The Organization of Chinese Americans of Fairfield County @ocafc


If you’ve had acupuncture, you’ve almost certainly had your ears needled. Why? Because these are some of the most powerful points on the body. We can access them through acupuncture needles OR through stick on ear seeds that remain with you between treatments so you can benefit from their power every day. Traditionally, ear seeds are actual seeds from the vaccaria plant, but we like to use tiny gold-plated beads (with the addition of Swarovski crystals on top if we’re feeling fancy). 

How does it work?

The reason why you feel immediately blissed out when those needles hit your ears, is our good old friend the vagus nerve which happens to have a branch that extends to the ear. The vagus nerve is heavily involved in the parasympathetic nervous system, and stimulation helps us access that “rest and digest” response it’s so famous for. 

Anything else?

Of course! Auriculotherapy isn’t just for relaxation and mental health. In Chinese Medicine, we look at the external ear as an inverted fetus and are therefore able to use it as a microsystem to access the entire body. Back pain, headaches, digestive issues, insomnia… you name it, the ear can treat it! Pretty cool, huh?


You may have heard of auricular acupuncture referred to as NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association). This is actually a very specific protocol that was created for substance abuse withdrawal and is now being used in treatment centers all over the United States and Canada for addiction, behavioral health, and emotional trauma. 

How to

Once the ear seeds are applied, you just have to remember to massage them at least 3 times a day by applying gentle pressure in a circular motion for a minute or two, and then as needed whenever you feel the need. They can be left in for up to a week, and simply peeled off by either you or your acupuncturist.

Ear seeds diagram

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