In The Know: Hydration

HYDRATION! It's something that's so important and we all could do better. This week, @carolynbrownie digs into the details with our In the Know with Indigo series, AND she issues us all a challenge!

When it comes to nutrition, drinking enough water is equally as important as eating your veggies. Most of us are chronically mildly dehydrated - especially women! Water helps flush toxins out of your body, plus it helps your immune system, your mood, your concentration, your appetite, your skin & your weight.

Some seasonal summer foods are super hydrating too: watermelon, cucumbers, celery, cantaloupe, lettuce, zucchini & strawberries are all over 90% water. And in many of these have cooling properties from a TCM perspective too.

Your H2O schedule

We want you to aim for this hydrating schedule:

16 oz first thing, as soon as you read this! This is your wake up water, try to have it every day this week

  • 32 oz (1 L) by 10am

  • 64 oz (2 L) by 2pm

  • 80 oz by 6pm

Try for cool or room temp water over iced. Tea and sparkling water totally count toward your water total too. But no more than 1L of h2o per hour, and try to do most of your hydrating early on in the day so you're not waking up tonight to pee.

The effects of H2O on your body

Mindful Eating


Plant Babies