In The Know With Indigo: Unexplained Fertility

Unexplained infertility is one of the most frustrating diagnoses that a couple or individual struggling to get pregnant can hear. On one hand, it's good news that there is nothing obviously wrong, but on the other, it leaves a lot of question. This is an area where Chinese Medicine excels.

Unexplained Infertilty is rarely unexplained when we look through the lens of Chinese Medicine diagnosis. At Indigo, we’ll use acupuncture, herbs and supplements, and lifestyle recommendations to help you treat any underlying imbalances that we think my be keeping you from optimal fertility. Here are some of the common patterns we see.

TCM Pattern Diagnosis

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is almost always an underlying pattern of disharmony that an acupuncturist can find and treat.

These are some of the common patterns we see in women struggling to get pregnant.

Liver Qi & Blood Stagnation

Common symptoms include PMS with irritability, heavy/clotty and painful periods.

Blood Deficiency

Common symptoms include very light periods or amenorrhea, dizziness, floaters in eyes, pale skin, palpitations, insomnia.

Spleen Qi Deficiency with Dampness

Common symptoms include fatigue/heaviness, inability to lose weight, excess mucus production, loose stools.

Kidney Deficiency

Symptoms may include irregular cycles, low energy, lower back pain, coldness or night sweats. This pattern is usually broken down into a YIN or YANG deficiency.

If you're struggling to get pregnant, Chinese Medicine can help!

At Indigo, we love to work with women who are trying to get pregnant naturally OR are already undergoing fertility treatments.

Can't come in? Reach out about setting up a virtual consult. We are here to help make your baby dreams come true!


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