The 1% Rule

Today we want to talk about the 1% rule from Atomic Habits. 1% by 1% you can make huge improvements in your health & performance. 

@jamesclear gives a great example of a cycling team from the UK who was so bad, no sponsors wanted to be associated with them. So a coach came in and looked for places where they could make tiny gains in overlooked and unexpected areas, from handwashing to the pillows the team used... and I’m sure nutrition was involved too 😉

Guess what: 1% by 1% they became one of the best teams in the world.

So where can you make 1% improvements in how you’re taking care of yourself? There are a lot of places that we can make 1% improvements in our lives. But don’t let that overwhelm you and make you feel like you have to find all of them. Pick one or two, start small, and give it a try.

Can you...
Eat 1% more veggies?
Drink 1% more water?
Drink 1% less alcohol?
Sleep or relax 1% more?
Run 1% further or faster?
Scroll 1% less?
Plan or prep 1% more?
Be 1% kinder to yourself?
Be 1% more mindful at your meals?

And after you work on taking care of yourself, think of other places you can make 1% improvements (taking care of the environment, working on a relationship, saving money…the possibilities are endless!)

We passed this book, Atomic Habits, around the office and highly recommend it! James Clear also has a newsletter called “3-2-1” that is a must read for us every week.

Feel free to share your 1% below 📚⚡️


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