winter lunch recipes

Let's Lunch: Biohacking Bowl + Jennifer Aniston Salad
DATE: January 11, 2025
SEASON: Winter
our favorite winter lunches

Hi Friend! 

Our Week of Wellness kicks off on Monday, and we wanted to share two of our favorite healthy winter lunches. Lunch is your power up, refuel meal, so we want to make sure it's satisfying, nourishing, and warming.

We have 3 rules for lunch in the winter:
  1. Must be warm or at least contain some cooked ingredients. Mid-winter is not the time to go raw or cold from a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) POV. This can help with immune system and digestion
  2. Have adequate protein and veggies: We're looking for 20+g of protein to power you up for the second half of your day, as well as 1+ cup of veggies
  3. Add spices, herbs and/or sauerkraut to boost nutrients, digestion, and good gut bugs.
For a few recipes that do just that, here's a sneak peak of our lunches from our upcoming WOW Week. 

WWe're kicking WOW Week off on Monday and today is the perfect day to get organized for the week ahead. We're also teaming up with our friends at Kinney Lane to offer WOW approved meal delivery (including the Jennifer Aniston salad!). Get instant access to 25+ nourishing, seasonal, nutritionist-approved recipes when you sign up. 
Doors close tomorrow, 1/12. We would love to help you get organized, mindful, and making healthy habit changes in 2025. 

This is the reset you've been asking for. We can't wait to WOW with you. Respond here with any questions.
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