Indigo Wellness Group

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Good Mood Foods

Our Indigo Nutritionist, Carolyn Brown, is back with how what you eat has an effect on your mood and some “Good Mood Foods!”

Food & drinks can either help or exacerbate anxiety & stress. Everything you eat becomes every cell in your body so you actually can eat your way to feeling happier, calmer, less snappy, and more energized. Of course this is *long game* and not at all meant to minimize what’s going on in the world, but what you eat at every meal can absolutely support your mental health & nervous system (& immune system!)

Here is my personal daily checklist:

• 🌈 4+ colors of veggies per day
• 🌿 turmeric x black pepper or a curcumin supplement daily
• 💊 omega 3s in AM & magnesium glycinate at night
• 💦 water before coffee
• ☀️ spending time outside phone free, even if it’s just for a walk to clear my head
• 🚫 no alcohol or excessive sugar if I’m stressed or anxious.

And here are some Good Mood Foods to work into your meals!