Hormones And Cleaning Products

One of the areas of life where we want our clients to take action is cleaning up your chemicals (especially if you are trying to conceive!)⚠️

From makeup and body products to household cleaning supplies, many of the chemicals found in conventional products are considered endocrine disruptors. Very simply put, they mimic estrogen and can confuse your body, making your hormones go haywire. They can put a lot of burden on our bodies and are even considered ‘obesegens’ meaning they can make you gain weight.

We know this can sound scary and we never, ever want to terrify you into making changes, but we want you to be informed!

What we DO want you to do is upgrade your products when you shop or purchase next. @environmentalworkinggroup is a great resource for finding hormone-friendlier products. We love @brandlesslife and @blueland too! If you’re feeling really motivated, whip up some DIY cleaning products! It’s pretty easy and cheap. Here are some resources we love : @cleanmama @just.ingredients 💕


Nutrition And Fertility


In The Know: Periods