Meditation Exercise

How are you feeling? We have noticed more people feeling a little "off" lately and they aren't quite able to put their finger on why. First off, if you feel this way, you aren't alone. Secondly, try this breathing exercise recommended by @nancybyrnelac to help you take a moment to yourself and to re-center.

If you are feeling off at this time, or experiencing physical symptoms, take a moment to be still and come in to your body, and breathe.

Take a few intentional moments to pause, pay close attention to your body, acknowledge what emotion(s) you are feeling, and where you are feeling it. Then slow and deepen your breath, (Metal) and focus on the area over your heart (Fire). After a few moments of slow, expansive breathing, bring to mind a happy place, a favorite pet, or an activity that makes you feel blissful. Allow yourself to feel the positive emotions of gratitude and joy. Really feel it, and see the vision.

Take a few moments to do this every day, focusing on making your breath a little slower and deeper each time, further tapping into positive emotions, and broadening your perspective. Like Metal, you will transform.


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