Secrets of The Blue Zones

Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live the longest lives, consistently reaching and passing age 100. And not just reaching 100, but living healthy, active lives. These regions do not have rates of dementia, heart disease, obesity, etc at the rate that the rest of the world does. So what are their secrets? Here's what stood out to us. 

1. Hike those hills: one of the biggest predictors of longevity is how steep your walks are, NOT the biggest biceps or doing triathalons. If you don't live in a hilly area, no problem, this one doesn't require a gym membership. Just skip the elevators and escalators and take the stairs every day.

2. Community + connection: 50% of the longevity formula is not about nutrition or movement at all. Instead, the biggest contributor to living a long and healthy life is... (drum roll please!)... being part of a community and having the right friends. So this is your prescription to book a weekend getaway with your best friends, or go out of your way to meet someone new at yoga or at work.

3. Eat plenty of plants: This one probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, but eating healthy, homemade food is one of the biggest factors in living to 100+. So this week, cook at least 3 dinners at home. And if you need some support on this, we've got you. Our Indigo Week of Wellness kicks off on Monday, 9/18.
For lots more, check out The Secrets of the Blue Zones docuseries, now streaming on Netflix. 


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