Indigo Wellness Group

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Sex Ed

Here are 3 things you might not have learned in Sex Ed class!

1. You were born with all the egg follicles you’ll ever have - but it’s actually all about egg QUALITY and less about quantity. And there’s lots we can do to boost quality. And on that note: Sperm cells start developing 3 months before ejaculation 🐳 - so what men are eating, drinking, and stressing over really matters for the health of those little swimmers too!

2. Your cycle starts on day one of your period, not on the day you stop bleeding - even though those little birth control pill packs would have us believe differently. This day-counting becomes important when you’re trying to conceive and you want to track ovulation.

3. Your period’s kind of like a report card. So if you had an off month with lots of sugar or lots of alcohol, you might have worse PMS symptoms or period pain. The great news is that you can always be an A student next month and see symptoms improve!

Which is your favorite fact from this Sex Ed quickie: 1, 2 or 3? 🤓

Interested in learning more? Check out our Super Sex Ed course, part of our Hello, Hormones program.