Indigo Wellness Group

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Stick Out Your Tongue!

Out in the world it might be considered rude to stick out your tongue, but in an acupuncturist’s office, we ask for it!😛 

Look in the mirror and stick out your tongue. Is it red on the top? Maybe a little pinched on the sides? Tiny red dots scattered around? These are signs of trapped heat, specifically heart heat, and we’re seeing a LOT of these tongues in the office right now. I sometimes call this “busy mom” tongue, but during times of high stress or during the holidays it could also be called “holiday tongue” and is usually paired with anxiety, insomnia, and overwhelm. And while it might be tempting to reach for an extra cup of afternoon coffee or a nightcap to “take the edge off,” those things only add more heat into your system.

But don’t despair, here are some things you can do to reduce your heart fire:

🔥 Take a walk by the water! Water puts out fire and will leave you feeling calmer.

🔥 Limit spicy foods that can add fuel to that heat.

🔥Trade your intense exercise for something more gentle and yin-nourishing (that’s our built in coolant) like yoga.

🔥 Get quality Z’s.  Burning the candle at both ends doesn’t help - so while it may be tempting to cut your sleep short and make up for it with an extra cup of afternoon coffee, you’re only kicking that ball further down the hill. If possible, commit to an early bedtime!

🔥Get poked! Your body has built in steam release valves in the form of acupuncture points! Come on in and let us help you put the fire out.