Uplifting Essential Oils

We thought it would be fun to share some info on our favorite joyful, uplifting essential oils today! Tap in to the power of aromatherapy by diffusing these oils, or diluting them in a carrier oil and applying directly.*

BERGAMOT (Citrus bergamia)

If you have ever enjoyed the delicious aroma of a steaming cup of Earl Gray tea, then you have already been introduced to bergamot. Complex floral notes lie beneath this oil’s citrusy tang; in fact, its scent reminds many people of the cheery scent of orange. Bergamot’s uplifting fragrance soothes frayed nerves, eases anxiety, and lifts misery’s clouds. Carefully diluted, it comforts itchy skin and helps clear up blemishes.

GERANIUM (Pelargonium graveolens)

With its fresh, green aroma, geranium offers a touch of floral sweetness and the barest hints of apple and mint. Cheerful and uplifting, it eases negativity and quickly banishes the blues while imparting a sense of good-natured balance Topically, it is among the best for soothing com- promised skin.

LEMON (Citrus Limon)

Crisp and refreshing, the scent of lemon essen- tial oil is unmistakable. This fragrance soothes, uplifts, and nurtures, particularly in times of emotional upset. When you are feeling good, you will find that the invigorating scent of lemon enhances and intensifies positive emotions. This oil is an excellent one to diffuse anytime you need a physical or mental energy boost.

YLANG-YLANG (Cananga Odorata)

Offering an intriguing fragrance that incorporates notes of fruity sweetness, ylang-ylang is floral and exotic. This fragrant oil gently elimi- nates negativity and dispels anger. It comforts in times of bereavement and soothes frayed nerves. If you are feeling overwhelmed, ylang-ylang can help reduce some of the burden and help you find stillness.

Want to learn more? Check out Aromatherapy for Self-Care by our very own Sarah Swanberg MS LAc, available in the Indigo Wellness Boutique

*If you're new to oils, make sure to test for skin sensitivity first!


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