Indigo Wellness Group

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Your Period Doesn’t Have To Be Miserable

Guess what? Your period doesn’t have to be miserable. In fact it’s NOT supposed to be miserable!

It may not be a party, but cramps, back pain, sore boobs, headaches, crazy cravings or intense mood swings can be a sign that your hormones are out of whack.🤔 Think of your period as a 'report card' - it can show you how off things were the past month. Eating more sugary foods or drinking more alcohol (helloooo, holidays around the corner!) can lead to inflammation in the body which can in turn lead to more PMS and period symptoms.

Instead try:
- Eating more dark leafy greens this month - They contain nutrients like vitamin B6 and magnesium - both of which get depleted by the stress and partying of holiday season.

- Acupuncture - In Chinese Medicine, PMS and period issues are caused by a combination of Qi and Blood stagnation. Those tiny needles can get the stagnation moving again, and can provide some serious relief… without the potential side effects of OTC meds.

Want to learn about small changes in your life that can have HUGE impacts? We cover ALL of this in our Hello, Hormones courses!