indigo journal——-
Discover wellness wisdom and holistic healing insights in the Indigo Journal, your source for a healthier, more harmonious life.
Endometriosis Awareness Month: Marcy’s Story
At Indigo, we see a lot of women who are suffering with endometriosis, however we know sometimes it can feel like you are alone.
In The Know With Indigo: Unexplained Fertility
Unexplained infertility is one of the most frustrating diagnoses that a couple or individual struggling to get pregnant can hear. On one hand, it's good news that there is nothing obviously wrong, but on the other, it leaves a lot of question. This is an area where Chinese Medicine excels.
How We Approach Fertility With Acupuncture
Maybe you’ve exhausted all other avenues, talked to your OB, your friends, and Google a little bit too, and you keep hearing a little buzz about how acupuncture can help with fertility. How can getting stuck with needles weekly help me get pregnant, you may ask?
The Uterus-Heart Connection & Fertility
The uterus and the heart are two incredible organs capable of providing life. In Traditional Chinese Medicine they are directly connected by a channel called the Bao Mai, which allows energy to freely flow between these organs.
What Do You Believe Your Body Can Do?
Healing is never a one way street, and I am so grateful for all the knowledge and inspiration that I gain from the people who come to lay on my table.
Fertility 101
Im very excited to work with you on your journey to a happy, healthy baby. Here are some of my favorite tips to help you optimize your fertility.