indigo journal——-
Discover wellness wisdom and holistic healing insights in the Indigo Journal, your source for a healthier, more harmonious life.
headache helpers
Whether it's hormones, seasonal changes, stress, or dehydration, our team has you covered with headache helpers.
Do You Pee When You Sneeze?
Are you peeing when you workout or sneeze? Do you have C-section scar pain? Pain going to the bathroom? Then guess what, you need a pelvic PT evaluation!
The Uterus
The uterus (aka baby palace) is a pretty spectacular organ. We all know it is the first home for our babies, but here are a few things you might not know!
In The Know: Periods
Your period is one of the few visual signs we have of what is going on inside your body
Bladder Health
Today we are talking about bladder health with our Indigo Pelvic Physical Therapist!
TCM And Chinese Medicine
Did you know that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we consider your menstrual blood a vital sign?