indigo journal——-
Discover wellness wisdom and holistic healing insights in the Indigo Journal, your source for a healthier, more harmonious life.
Anti-Anxiety Checklist
Eat your way to feeling happier, more calm, less snappy, and more energized.
Miscarriages Are Not Uncommon
Miscarriage is such a tough topic for so many women, but the reality is that it is not uncommon, and it’s something we have years of experience helping patients navigate.
A Thanksgiving Gratitude Game
Did you know that gratitude is consistently linked with with better self-reported physical health, engagement in healthy activities, and willingness to seek help for health concerns? Gratitude is a health behavior!
Do You Pee When You Sneeze?
Are you peeing when you workout or sneeze? Do you have C-section scar pain? Pain going to the bathroom? Then guess what, you need a pelvic PT evaluation!
Acupuncture And Stress
Can acupuncture magically reduce the stress in your life? Not exactly. (Although you might think so after that blissful acu-nap!)
Winner Winner, Early Bird Dinner
We’re not fans of strict intermittent fasting for most women because it can effect hormones and potentially future fertility, but there is one note we can absolutely take from it!
Meet Our New Pelvic Health Therapy Team
We’re thrilled to announce the expansion of our team to include these *SUPERSTAR* pelvic health therapists! Please help us warmly welcome Dr. Kara Fanelli and Dr. Jodie Lippman to the Indigo family.
Pericardium 6
Have you been experiencing heaviness in the chest/ feelings of heartbreak/ anxiety with chest tightness? You’re not alone. We've been hearing this a lot this week, and have been experiencing it ourselves.